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1.17 Development

Captain Kitten

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One of the things that is sort-of pulling back in xp11 is its age scene light rendering engine, which gives a feeling that color space is dull and washed out, no matter what plugins such as shaderx or xvision tries to do..

for ex-enviro, the area i see it still needs refinement is the blending of cloud edges under certain light conditions, whereby it should be softer, but am not sure how will xp12 photo-metric new rendering engine will work out to change that.

does xenviro benefit in terms of ray-marching from the new xp12 photo-metric rendering .. in case you have access to private alpha edition of xp12.

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  • 2 weeks later...

xEnviro 1.17t79 - t80

After some time off lately because of day-jobs pinning us down, we're back at the development desk to churn out some progress 😃
Lately we have had good progress on light adjustments. Cloud forms will have to wait a bit but that can be adjusted and added to when ever we want. So now we're trying to cross off as many items on the list as possible. 

Just remember that this still is very much work in progress and images will probably not represent final product.































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On 12/28/2021 at 1:00 PM, RParson99 said:

The clouds as portrayed look very natural and everyday like. kudos!  The colors are amazing as well…..definitely the best work so far!

Don't get too excited, we've seen pretty awesome pre-release clouds in the past but it seems the developer dials them back a bit in the final versions. I suspect a tossup for performance.    

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On 12/27/2021 at 12:48 PM, Captain Kitten said:

xEnviro 1.17t79 - t80

After some time off lately because of day-jobs pinning us down, we're back at the development desk to churn out some progress 😃
Lately we have had good progress on light adjustments. Cloud forms will have to wait a bit but that can be adjusted and added to when ever we want. So now we're trying to cross off as many items on the list as possible. 

Just remember that this still is very much work in progress and images will probably not represent final product

Hey Captain Kitten,

Any plans to enable multiple cloud layers in 1.17? 

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I remember setting behind my 14 inch CGA Monitor in early 90's, and playing MSFS version 2 on a late night.

my imagination was going wild feeling myself flying at night (screen was totally black except for the white lines or airport run-way.

the rest of details was filled implicitly by the brain - the pixel stars of the night..etc.

But looking at these night snapshots up here .... have i had access to these at those days .... i would have been a faithful pilot by now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Haven't had time lately to give an update. We're adjusting and finishing up haze math for the 1.17 run (XE-588). After this most items should go smoother and ticking off items faster. Again, no ETA's given. We're happy with cloud shapes for now. That will be revisited later and can be adjusted as we go. Same with lighting. We hope to get VR working in this run but can't promise anything yet. And no, seasons will never work in Vulkan. That remains locked by Laminar and is only available in OpenGl until Laminar implements their version in XP-12. It was never one of our features in the first place and would have needed more access than we have to be developed further anyway. If Laminar opens up for that in XP12 remains to be seen. But my hopes are slim. 

To do list:

Some screenshots from 1.17t93






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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/10/2022 at 3:53 AM, Captain Kitten said:

If you're talking about visual icing on aircraft, then we have no plans for that.
No plans on beacon lights in cloud either. These effects are way harder than you'd think.

I mean icing effect on wing, not visually but physically like example lost lift. 

Then beacon ok then, current effect satisfying too. 

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On 2/9/2022 at 4:53 PM, Captain Kitten said:

If you're talking about visual icing on aircraft, then we have no plans for that.
No plans on beacon lights in cloud either. These effects are way harder than you'd think.

So that means that in version 1.17 of xEnviro there will no longer be the effects of headlights in the clouds as in version 1.16, will the volumetric lights remain? Because these effects are what made me buy xEnviro and now they will be removed in the 1.17 update.

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