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B737-800 | Custom Views 1.0.0

   (3 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Laminar/Zibo 737 Custom Views

This is a file for users with num-pads to assist with navigation in the cockpit/exterior. You can program custom views yourself, but I have created a preset for those who just want to get to flying! 


Installation is very simple.

Step 1: Unzip file "b738_prefs.txt" to your root 737 folder.
              i.e C:\\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Extra Aircraft\737-800X

Step 2: Boot up the sim and enjoy! Use your numpad to zoom around your aircraft in no time!

NOTE: Works with "Zibo" and Laminar 737s.


I've set up the views in such a way that they "pan-up" the cockpit. So 0, 2, 5, 8 gradually pan upwards.

0: Pedestal - Parking brake, flaps, spoilers - everything!
1: FMC - for when 'ya need to put in a flightplan
2: Throttle Quadrant - Get a better look at throttles, fuel control etc.
3: AFK - Positioned on top of the left seat. Otherwise self-explanatory.
4: GoPro - Record a stereotypical cockpit-YouTube video!
5: Captain - Sometimes you need to fly the plane =)
6: MCP - Twiddle the knobs for when you don't wanna fly.
7: Left Wing view - do away with the bells/whistles of the cockpit.
8: Overhead - more switches?
9: Right Wing view - see 7  ?

By Xephyr - 2018

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

Used to work, but not working any longer with the latest release of Zibo 737X 3.43, you are placed outside of the cockpit in all views.

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   5 of 8 members found this review helpful 5 / 8 members

For me it does not work. Can you help me?

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