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Beijing Nanyuan Airport (ZBNY) MAC 1.0.0

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Uploaded by Captain Kitten for @Eric Xu at Star Atlas

So, here it comes, ZBNY, Beijing Nanyuan Airport!

As a China-based studio, this is the first scenery that we’ve published internationally, quite ironic huh? This one over here is actually the 3.0 version of ZBNY since the previous two versions were published domestically due to both political reason as ZBNY was served for both civil and military.

Nevertheless, we’ve decided to release this one here not because we’re risk taker, but because…the airport has been closed few days ago. ZBNY was there since 1910, which is undoubtedly the oldest airport in China. As the constructing of Daxing Airport, ZBNY has lost its significance in context of providing alternative support on transportation…Nevertheless, it’s arguably not that important since China United Airline—the only civil airline who’s operating Nanyuan Airport, was quite…you know.

However, as a Beijinger, Nanyuan does have a strong emotional connection with me, or with us. Nanyuan is more likely a talkative old friend with stories to say, whereas Beijing Capital ZBAA is more likely a capable worker, and Daxing…Maybe an active youth; fashion, advanced, elegant. Back to my childhood, Nanyuan took a place in my heart, like it’s the only way to reach up the sky, it’s so unreachable, it’s like my dream to work there just because it looks cool as being a member of aviation system.

Back to the days, I could not imagine that one day, we as a team, will get the chance to capture the image of Nanyuan into a flight simulator by ourselves, and share it with the rest of the world! We’ve startup the process since 19th March, 2018, and eventually finished it up today, over one year and a half. Thanks for all those who helped us throughout the process, include all the library authors and developers especially Jonathan Harris, Marginal as known; your dedication and professionalism was foundational to our later process and progress.

Since ZBNY was released as a freeware, CC BY-SA-NC 4.0 was applied. Means you are allowed to modify, to redistribute, to share among friends, however, to follow ShareAlike. Wed.xml project file has been attached, do as whatever you like!

Nanyuan has redefined the “fine work” conceptionally throughout reality, this is definitely the best of what we can get so far, nevertheless, the path towards perfection is still quite long. So…Hope you guys like it, we shall put more effort on the upcoming Daxing Airport scenery, as the first step for us towards a sustainable finance-based operation.


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