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1.12 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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1.12 is a performance update mostly so screenshots will be far between on this update.
Most of the work has gone in to performance. It has been partially successful. Enough to warrant a closer look. Not going in to detail about what we have done so far but we found a way to improve performance slightly and reduce grain slightly at the same time. Cloud definition is still the same as before. Problem is you will probably find it less detailed since grain has been reduced to some extent. So we might have gotten some headroom to work on more definitions in the future.

We have also put some elbow grease in automating the rebuild of each version so the compiling at the end stages of each production cycle demands less time and effort.

Right now we are testing performance and general feel of the improvements and making sure we are in a good spot to either push the update or refine some aspects. That does not mean that we will push earler than my expressed hope for an end of the month release. But then again nothing speaks against it at this point either. We'll see.















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18 hours ago, silv3rsurf3r said:

Pls reduce the white outlines around the clouds, I noticed that from 1.10 to 1.11 and and it seems even worste now. 

Other than that it looks great.

First of all these images are not representative of final product. And second of all its not something you just do. This is not cut and paste or textures you just refine. 

All visual issues are known and worked on and if it is fixable at a given stage it will be fixed. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with you Magnus, reducing the grain does make the clouds look less detailed... a lot less detailed from the screenshots but I know its not final so whatever. Im glad the definitions will be updated again in the future because from those screenshots (again not final ik), the clouds look more like jell looking puffs back in 1.10. 

Edited by MicrosoftGamer
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Alright - we're back.

Been a long absense from posting news. But we're back on track and productng test versions. Nr 13 is on the workbench so the following screens are from 1.12t12. No real news on the visual stuff apart from the grain reductiuon. Grain is still there - but reduced by 60-80% with same performance figures as before. As mentioned this grasin reduction was found almost by a fluke and got priority over the set performance paths. Thus performance tasks will now be back in focus. We'll see if we get those in before 1.12r1 but I suspect they will come in 1.13. Sectors are being worked on as well among other items we are chasing.

Alright. Enough talk. Back to work. 😃

No ETA on 1.12 but we're working hard.


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