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SAM causing CTD


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I recently updated KBOS by MisterX and discovered that older versions of SAM would cause the sim to crash at that airport. So I upgraded from 2.0.7 to 2.2.4 and now my sim crashes immediately on startup. If I remove SAM completely both the sim and the airport launch without issue. If I roll back my backup of 2.0.7 the sim launches properly but the airport causes the CTD.

I'd obviously prefer to have the updated SAM and KBOS.

In reviewing other topics, it looks like I should have logs or dumps in my SAM folder but I don't. So I'm perplexed, as there's nothing in my log.txt to indicate SAM but again if I remove SAM the sim is fine. SAM present, sim CTD.

Any ideas? Anything that I can provide that may help to diagnose the issue?

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2.2.3 - Crash to Desktop

2.2.2 - Crash to Desktop

2.2.1 - Crash to Desktop

2.2.0 - Crash to Desktop

2.1.9 - Crash to Desktop

2.1.8 - No crash with OpenGL, crash with Vulkan

So that's fun. I can get the sim to run in OpenGL but not Vulkan. If I remove SAM all together, everything is still normal (OpenGL and Vulkan)


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Well, I'm throwing in the towel on this one. I've never been more perplexed with a plugin, so I'm just going to roll without it.

I did a completely vanilla XP11 install (no add-ons, no custom scenery, no plug-ins) it's fine. But the moment I start adding things the inconsistent of CTD on sim load begins.

  • Installed SAM

I launched the sim 25 times with just SAM installed after a fresh XP11 install, no crash.

  • Installed Toliss A319

I launched the sim 25 times with the 319 + SAM and the sim crashed on launches: 4, 17, 22, and 23

  • Uninstalled Toliss A319

I launched the sim 25 times with all Toliss related files removed (and just SAM installed) and the sim crashed on launches 6, 18, and 20

  • Removed SAM, installed the Toliss A319

I launched the sim 25 times and zero crashes

I didn't even attempt any other 3rd party plugins or scenery yet.

Then I went with the default Baron (no payware aircraft, clean install of SIM) + SAM

  • No crash with 25 successful sim launches

What's crazy is, every single time the sim CTDs there's never an entry in the log or dump. I've now slowly re-added everything (payware aircraft, 850+ scenery folders) and no sim crashes after 100+ launches. But if I put SAM in there, it crashes to desktop on load every time. So there's clearly something happening, I'm obviously not convinced it's SAM but the sim only crashes with SAM present in the plugins folder.

So we'll have to file this under "unsolved mysteries"

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On 4/9/2021 at 12:10 PM, softreset said:

I recently updated KBOS by MisterX and discovered that older versions of SAM would cause the sim to crash at that airport. So I upgraded from 2.0.7 to 2.2.4 and now my sim crashes immediately on startup.

Any ideas? Anything that I can provide that may help to diagnose the issue?

I had similar issue and I found the reason.  I was using the option "manually copy SAM to Custom Scenery" folder,  so that xOrganizer will be able to detect and track SAM (instead of SAM coming up with a random folder name). 

The problem is when this option is enable, SAM updater will update the "plugin" folder but "Custom Scenery" folder will  have outdate version. The two being different version will collide and cause CTD. 

The fix I did was create a shortcut/symlink from plugin folder and place it in Custom Scenery instead of copying.  This fixed CTD issue. 

@Marten@Stairport if you need beta tester for new version of SAM, let me know. I can sign NDA, etc. 

Edited by simssmith
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Sim - Thanks for replying. I was all excited to get home and try your recommendation because it was one thing I didn't think of but then I realized that after the most recent clean install I only had ever tried 2.2.4.

Curious if at the time of the upgrade that was the problem, as I also use xOrganizer. But that was many wipes ago.

Regrettably, even ensuring a completely clean slate (Plugins folder, Custom Scenery folder, SAM cache folder) I still consistently get the sim to crash with SAM content present. I remove it, no problems.

It's truly perplexing. The good news, I don't need it to enjoy the simulator. The bad news, I did enjoy the additional immersion this product brought to the sim.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had that issue long ago after updating sam. My sim would crash on arrivals on approach actually. Went through the logs and did a bit of testing. Turns out it was SAM ground traffic. When the traffic spawned it caused the sim to crash every time I would be on final. The resuilt is Im stuck with a product I paid for and cant use. Oh well... the Jetways work fine. It didnt happen until I update. Im convinced Im not the problem. The solution? I stopped updating and buying products. Life is good now

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1 hour ago, Marten@Stairport said:

Fortunately we fixed the bug regarding airportvehicles. Will be included in 2.2.6 to be released next week. 

Great to hear.
And as @mmeares wrote, i can confirm the crashes at arrivals when the vehicles are spawning in / loaded.
Same for spawning into a busy airport (here EDDF in my reported case)

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6 hours ago, JetNoise said:

Great to hear.
And as @mmeares wrote, i can confirm the crashes at arrivals when the vehicles are spawning in / loaded.
Same for spawning into a busy airport (here EDDF in my reported case)

sounds good im looking forward to getting to use my ground vehicles again! thx!


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Well on this wonderful Friday night I took a flight from LAX to ATL on Delta 757. I also live streamed it. Got about 3 miles out 3hrs and 59mins later on final and what do ya know.... the infamous CTD. I also updated SAM to the latest version for the fix. Was a great trip though. Im never using it again. lol! Thx! 🙂

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9 hours ago, Marten@Stairport said:

Did you use SAM airportvehicles? If yes please use SAM 2.2.6

Yes that was 2.2.6. I also did a test flight after I uninstalled it and sure enough successful. By the way I was landing at Nimbus KATL just incase you need a reference airport considering ground traffic. As soon as you guys posted, I updated to 2.2.6. Worked fine for about a day or so. Then here we go. Its cool Im not mad. Im just letting you guys know what happened. Most likely I wont be using it anymore. I just don't want the headache anymore. 4 hours of flight and this was enough for me to throw in the towel. lol! Now that I think about it, I believe your update went out either Monday or Tuesday. I think it was Tuesday or so, cant quite remember but it was definitely shortly after. Week was fine on flights. It broke last night (Friday). Immediately I checked SAM to see if live updates or something was turn on or off. Idk maybe it did some weird update but nope. Still 2.2.6. So I just removed it. As soon as I recognized the CTD coming as it glitched during gameplay, I knew exactly where it was coming from having had that same CTD in the past before I did my own tests in X Plane to solve the prob. Idk what to say. I just dont think I wanna try it anymore. I also dont have tons of crap plugins like most users do crying about CTD. I understand development as I have about 30 years of technology in my blood so Im not just crying over a bottle. I do understand every product is not perfected and there are slight issues. But I just don't want the head ache anymore. But for the record Im still in love with World Jetways. hahaha! I do have the live stream on my YouTube if you wanna take a look at the ending. If you wish to view, shoot me a private message and ill send the link. Just FYI


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Got to thinking I did fly several default that didn't pose as an issue. When I landed at Nimbus KATL which also has its own ground equipment system plugin which is part of the scenery package, perhaps that may have been an issue. Just a thought.

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2.2.6 significantly reduced crashes even in larger airports.  Thank you very much.

However, I just had a crash with default airport ZGGG when I was on ILS approach to runway 19. It was loading 1049 objects when I reached final! Like loader, cart, truck, tug.   

If the plugin has any control over loading then a slider for user to set max objects will be welcome. We can't control how some of these artist are creating these airports with so many Ground Service Equipment vehicles.

Start: Log line number 3405 : 
3:54:47.753 E/PLG: Actor created for C:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/temp/obj/227208186972292686/loader.obj during render.


End Log line number 4454
33:54:47.753 E/PLG: Actor created for C:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/SAM/temp/obj/227208186972292686/loader.obj during render.


Edited by simssmith
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