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FlightFactor A350 Door Location


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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings, Marten!

I'm pretty surprised that people found this old thread when the new version came out, but I'm really glad to see that you've been working hard as ever to help us!

I've just downloaded the new version of SAM (testing with the VHHH scenery; a new version is available, but it doesn't change anything with the SAM config), and I've noticed that the A350 position is a bit too off. I've come to terms with the fact that sometimes it may not look right, however I saw the jetways blocking off half of the door (LF2; LF1 isn't as bad). I've tried the force connecting, and everything seems to be within range.

Another thing I noticed (not really with SAM base but with SAM static aircrafts) is that the 777 model seems to have a weird shadow thing. I'll upload a few screenshots to illustrate my point (one has both the 777 and 767 in frame, and it seems that the static 767 is unaffected).

Looking forward to your response!





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Hmm that doesn't seem to happen for me (even with the latest version). Perhaps some gates are using a wrong template?

Just now, Marten@Stairport said:

I can't confirm that. Downloaded the latest VHHH scenery + A350 update and got this:



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  • 2 months later...

sorry to necro this old thread but i had a bit of a tinker myself and came up with....pretty perfect door positions across the board. 

have a look at them yourself, i like those a lot more than the ones currently included with SAM... 

may be worth using those if the powers that be deem them worthy


  <acf name="A350_xp11.acf" author="FlightFactor and ToLiss" description=>
    <door position="LF1" x="-2.65000007" y="0.868999982" z="-24.5959995" psi="9.63000011" opendref="sim/cockpit2/switches/custom_slider_on[0]" openvalue="1" opendelay="10" 
closedref="sim/cockpit2/switches/custom_slider_on[0]" closevalue="0" closedelay="10" type="0" />
    <door position="LF2" x="-3.03900003" y="0.868999982" z="-12.8649998" psi="0" opendref="sim/cockpit2/switches/custom_slider_on[2]" openvalue="1" opendelay="10" closedref="sim/cockpit2/switches/custom_slider_on[2]" closevalue="0" closedelay="10" type="0" />
    <door position="LF3" x="0" y="0" z="0" psi="0" />
    <door position="LU1" x="0" y="0" z="0" psi="0" />
    <door position="LU2" x="0" y="0" z="0" psi="0" />
    <door position="LB1" x="-2.977" y="1.09800005" z="6.97700024" psi="0" opendref="sim/cockpit2/switches/custom_slider_on[6]" openvalue="1" opendelay="10" closedref="sim/cockpit2/switches/custom_slider_on[6]" closevalue="0" closedelay="10" type="0" />
    <door position="LB2" x="0" y="0" z="0" psi="0" />


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