About This File
KSTL St. Louis International Lambert Field
The New release of St. Louis International Lambert Field. The terminals have been completely re-worked to a closer rendition of the current airport layout. In the current state St. Louis Airport uses “A” terminal where United , Delta and Air Canada park. Terminal “C” is American , Alaska, and Frontier. “D” terminal is now virtually not used except for Cape Air gates and ramp facilities and service vehicle parking with some cargo. “E” terminal is all Southwest Airlines and sits at the Eastern portion of the field. All gates now have Auto Gate added. Newly compiled GA hangars have been added. And the cargo terminal has been re-worked. Also added is enhanced night lighting. St. Louis International has a rich history with Charles Lindbergh launching the “Spirit of St Louis” in 1927 and the first U.S. President to fly from the public airport in 1910. St. Louis is known as the “Gateway City” with it’s famous Arch.
Tested in Vulkan X-Plane 11.50+
Now updated to reflect Cape Air gates C-1 C-3
Simply unzip the file "KSTL St. Louis International Lambert Field" place into your custom scenery folder in X-Plane 11 and that's it , enjoy!
C:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery
* Read me file inside
Required scenery libraries:
Mister-X 1.61+
CDB- Library
OpenScenery X {not required included OpenSceneryX place holder}
[All other object used with X-Plane 11 scenery library.]