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Promotional screenshot applications (RANDOM EVENT)

Captain Kitten

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OK, this is a thread where you can add your screenshots and have a chance to win a 5$ gift card in the Threshold store.
This event is continous and random by nature. Starting now and never ending.

How to win? Simple - choose your most fantastic screenshots and post them here. (read rules)
Your screenshots may me chosen to be featured on website, promotions, Facebook events and so on.
When chosen you also have a chance to win a 5$ gift card. If your screenshot is especially good you can even win 2 cards at once...

Told you it's random 😉

Admission rules:

  • xEnviro 1.10 or above
  • Max 3 screenshots per post
  • 1 post per week
  • Add your real name if you want to be credited. (optional)
  • Light "in sim modifications" allowed such as reshade maxxfx and so on

When adding your screenshots here you agree that

  • We can use your screenshot where ever DarkSpace or Threshold sees it fit
  • You will not necessarily be credited where it is used (but we will try to do so where possible)
  • Your screenshot might be picked but you will not receive the random event gift
  • All gifts are given by Threshold's own selection

(You have to be registered in the store to receive gift cards. Go to the store via the link in the top menu.)


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10 hours ago, Tavakoli said:

Hello, when can we start?

Start now 😃

8 hours ago, SVV said:

Can you please tell me where I should add the real name? There is no such item in the profile settings. Only nickname.

In the post with your screenshots 😃 If you don't want your name we can use your nick here.

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Despite our eyes leaning towards what 1.11 and 1.12 will bring, still though 1.10 continues to amaze us.

opening this snapshot contest was one of wisest decisions at this stage to let us appreciate the amount of work done and put into 1.10 despite of known issues - it still looks like a master peace.

thanks all for their contribution.

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Tavakoli from the forum won the next competition prize! It's not really random... its my pick and I choose every time - the randomness is in when it happens. SO - if you thought this was a fluke tingy - think again. 10USD gift card coming your way Tavatoki. (PM me)

To everyone: If you want your images to be featured in xenviro.net we do need your real name though. So when posting in the competition always add your real name.


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