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21 Screenshots

About This File

This is a freeware scenery of Evenes (ENEV) made by me (Kristian)

I have taken my time to create this Evenes scenery. I hope this is something you will find usefull.

This pack includes two folders. (Evenes XP Flattened and Evenes XP Sloped) 

The Evenes XP Flattened, flattens the whole airport. This is made due to the Evenes flystasjon terminal is very uneven in the sloped version, so if you prefer better visual results this is strongly recommended.

The Evenes XP Sloped makes the airport follow the terrain mesh. If you use Ortho4XP i strongly recommend you set the "apt_smoothing_pix" to 8 in the Ortho4XP settings, this has given me the best results. This version (Evenes XP Sloped) is recommended if you want it more realistic.

Overall i recommend the Evenes XP Sloped if you`re flying IFR flight in and out of Evenes.


1. Unzip the folders
2. Copy whichever version of Evenes XP you want installed (Evenes XP Flattened or Evenes XP Sloped)
3. Paste the folder of your choice into your custom scenery folder (\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery)



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