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X-Visibility - Dynamic Haze Control 1.0.3

   (7 reviews)

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About This File


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For XP 11.25+
This script provides dynamic haze/fog control based on reported visibility, providing smooth visibility transitions throughout all phases of flight. This means no "infinite" visibility the higher you get, no abrupt visibility changes and a realistic looking atmosphere based on reported visibility for the area.

* Smooth visibility transitions during all phases of flight
* No white out/grey out/blue out when passing through clouds or at night (My older "No White Out In Clouds" script is no longer needed)
* No more infinite visibility
* More challenge in IMC conditions
* Works with default weather (manual and real weather)

* Not compatible with X-Enviro
* Not tested with Ultra weather, disabling the haze options in that plugin should get it working with X-Visibilty theoretically
* FSE v0.5 uses the older gradual visibility script in the TrueHaze.lua file. Remove all text below (or remove lines 122-288) --TRUEHAZE INTERNAL PARAMETERS and this script should work fine with FSE
* If you are using the "No White Out In Clouds" script, please remove it as it is no longer needed


This script was tested on X-Plane 11.25, and it requires the flyWithLua NG plugin available at:


To install, place X-Visibility.lua in the following folder:
<X-Plane installation path>\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts\

There is no interface but it is possible to change some parameters of this script with the following lines:
local plugin_on = true --enable plugin
local debug_info = false --show debug info
local atmoTop_visibility = 30480 --elevation to apply the max visibility, default is 30480 m
local minFog_value = 0.6 --minimum fog value between 0.0-1.0, default is 0.6
local atmoTop_Fog = 1.5 --fog value after passing atmoTop_visibility
local highAltFogMult = 1 --reduce to 0.5 or 0.25 if you feel the haze at higher altitudes is too strong, default is 1


Thanks to @SNowblind7 for his help testing this script and for his initial work in the gradualVisibility script from which this is built upon.

What's New in Version 1.0.3   See changelog


Changes for v1.0.3

-Changed default value for xvis_highAltFogMult from 1 to 0.75
-Fixed moon and stars not showing in very low visibility


Changes for v1.0.2

-Integration with FlyAgi Tweak Utility

FlyAgi Tweak Utility can access and configure X-Visibility parameters from within the utility main menu by clicking the 'X-Visibility Fog Control' button. That opens a new menu page with the fog controls.

Thanks to @FlyAgi for reaching out to me to have it included in his script.

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   6 of 6 members found this review helpful 6 / 6 members

I never liked the X-Plane 11 haze but using this plugin I really love it. ?

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· Edited by pilot11

   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

Fantastic. It makes X-Plane 11 look so nice with this Lua. script. It's best at sunset!


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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

essential plugin. completely transforms the immersion when flying

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   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

Not working with the latest FlywithLua NG, but it's good. 

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Sagne philippe


Bonjour et merci, je ne vole qu'en VR sur le petit avion, ce plugin rend encore plus immersif la Vr, par contre je n'ai plus la clique des interrupteur et je ne peux pas régler le volume son par le casque oculus cela n 'étant pas grave un grand MERCI .......

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I like it, and i´m using it with soft cloud art from the .org , nice weather, really good performance!

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