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1.12 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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Seriously ticking off items fast on the list now. Assembling r01 once all issues are gone. Team has been working extremely efficient the past few days with the aim of getting r01 ready today. BUT (!!) some issues create two or three new ones that have to be adressed. Just the nature of development and what every developer has to deal with some times. Hence we will never give ETA's. So, we're at the last 2-5% of 1.12. The hardest part of the build..

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Alright... here's the deal. Or rather what we have dealt with the past weeks:
(no these are not release notes, sorry)

Details vs performance and issues relating to artifacts and sector borders. So we had a chance to look at higher resolution clouds. Not where we want to end up kind of resolution, but way way better than 1.11. This caused some performance issues so we had to revert back. Not exactly a dead end since we now have seen what xE is capable of. So resolution will be the same as 1.11. (Do NOT confuse this with grain - grain has nothing to do with resolution in this case). 

The major sector issues should be solved. So there should be less "bad sectors" but we can not control bad meta data other than picking up on the sectors reported by users in our discord channel. We then change or update the source to fix it. Sector border lines are seen from the underside of the clouds and will be something we attack in 1.14. We have a plan but need headroom in performance.


Some of the known issues we so far know will be present in 1.12 are:

  • Artifacts when clouds clip terrain (this is a hard one)
  • Sector lines
  • Contrails and particle effects make clouds invisible
  • Performance is still bad on 4k
  • Low horizon detail (some jaggedness may occur)
  • Artifacts on horizon when on ground (occationally)
  • Grain is reduced by 40-60% but will have "hot spots"
  • Grain prominent when clouds are lit up by landing lights - and clouds look flat
  • Volumetric lights not adjusted for every airframe.
  • Terrain line at dusk/dawn (depth clip)
  • Mountains vanishing at horizon (x-plane problem since x-plane only draws terrain 160 km)

A lot of these we can fix once we have performance headroom.

"So you reduced detail? What does that look like?"
It basically looks like 1.11 but with less grain. It just won't be as detailed as the screenshots we have published lately and less grain may make clouds look less defined. A good trade off if it is temporary. And it is. (No it is not possible to make an option for this that would be like developing two programs simutaniously)

Next update will be all about performance. No side tracking what so ever.
Here are some examples of what to expect:

1.12b51 (and how 1.12 will look)

We will get back to the beautifully detailed cloud layers above. We just need to up the performance game a couple of notches. What we had to revert to is not ugly, but we want more. It also remains to see if we strike gold in one of our 5 performance paths. If we do we will get multi monitor and VR back in the scope. As performance stands now any higher pixel count demanding features is just a waste of time.

Back to work!

Some more shots of how 1.12 will look.



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For me, 1.12 is a massive step forwards. Was thrilled to fly above the clouds here in UK and see no pixellation effects on top of the clouds. Loved the ground Autumn effect - caught it just right. All in all, a great improvement, and congratulations to the team and their hard work. It will now be my default weather system!

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