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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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2 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:

We have no idea how long the beta run will be. Before Christmas is very unlikely. Q1 2019 is more likely.

Ayy I’m dying to join the beta. Will there be an application / how will the signup process work? I assume it’s a closed beta, right?


Edit: Seems like I might be a month late... 

Edited by jakesimflyer
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16 hours ago, XIANG said:

Is this true?


Getting everything ready to start the beta run. Cleaning up the code, fine tuning of the components, closing pending tasks. You may find that our change log gets updated almost daily.


So I think I can see it soon, is it?Is it before Christmas?

That would be a huge surprise!!!


One thing is for sure - it won't be before Christmas. The internal test team still have testing to do before handing off to the beta team. After that, it will likely release in Q1 of next year.

  • Haha 1
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7 hours ago, Xephyr said:

One thing is for sure - it won't be before Christmas. The internal test team still have testing to do before handing off to the beta team. After that, it will likely release in Q1 of next year.

Although a little disappointed.

But I will patiently wait.For the weather plugin this will be revolutionary.

Thanks for your work.😃

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Hi, Captain Kitten

As I know, a few updates free by Xenviro if someone buy it. What I not understood is that the updates for example from  v1.00 to v2.00 free?? or between from v1.10 to v1.20?? Can you give me a concret answer please


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55 minutes ago, olcay said:

Hi, Captain Kitten

As I know, a few updates free by Xenviro if someone buy it. What I not understood is that the updates for example from  v1.00 to v2.00 free?? or between from v1.10 to v1.20?? Can you give me a concret answer please


Every update in the 1.xx run is free. The update to 2.0 will be a paid update.

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Hi Magnus Lorvik,

First of all congratulations to the team of developers, it seems to me that your work is creating a new simulator. It's brilliant what they are doing, really they are to be congratulated for the work.

But I have a question, what is the recommended machine configuration to run xEnviro 1.10? I'm excited by the release of the 1.10 update, but at the same time pretty hopeless with regard to frame rates.

In percentage, how much heavier is compared to the 1.09s?


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On 12/19/2018 at 3:06 PM, thiagomcf said:

Hi Magnus Lorvik,

First of all congratulations to the team of developers, it seems to me that your work is creating a new simulator. It's brilliant what they are doing, really they are to be congratulated for the work.

But I have a question, what is the recommended machine configuration to run xEnviro 1.10? I'm excited by the release of the 1.10 update, but at the same time pretty hopeless with regard to frame rates.

In percentage, how much heavier is compared to the 1.09s?


It will be lighter than 1.09. By how much remains to be seen. We haven't gotten to the beta builds yet and the alpha builds are not representative in any way on visuals or performance. We have had bugs that chop 50 frames off your default xplane and we have had performance increases in other builds. 

So I am just as excited to see the end result on performance as you 😊 We have one goal in 1.10 and that is better than 1.09. I think that is definitely reachable. 


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11 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:

It will be lighter than 1.09. By how much remains to be seen. We haven't gotten to the beta builds yet and the alpha builds are not representative in any way on visuals or performance. We have had bugs that chop 50 frames off your default xplane and we have had performance increases in other builds. 

So I am just as excited to see the end result on performance as you 😊 We have one goal in 1.10 and that is better than 1.09. I think that is definitely reachable.  


Uouuu ... lighter than 1.09....... It will be very very good. I can not wait to have it installed. Congratulations on your work.


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These screenshots pull away the floor under my feet.
Clouds like floating cream toppings on a milky soup.
And, do I see right, they are casting shadows!
Billboards have gone - nature is coming.
Nature of math getting alive by genious formulas.
Thank you and
Merry Christmas to all

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