About This File
This has been originally uploaded by an org forum user back in 2018. It was a direct FS2XPlane conversion of 31ND Aviation & AA_Angga Scenery's Adisutjipto Intl scenery for FS2004 & FSX. Either due to the fact the account associated with the original upload got suspended, or that it got taken down due to copyright reasons, the file has been unavailable to download from 2019 or some sorts. I managed to download the scenery before it was taken down. For the times I used the scenery, there has been several major issues I have with the original conversion:
- The scenery is way too out of proportions, with the layout not corresponding both with the satellite imagery AND real-world airport specifications,
- No night lighting on the buildings due to the fact that the original scenery not having them to begin with, and
- Misplaced buildings due to the first point.
This scenery package is a major revamp of the original FS2XPlane conversion. The revamp addressed most if not all of the issues that I mentioned above. This new scenery now features:
- Fully reworked runway, pavement and taxiway layout to correspond the real data of the airport, mostly accurate according both to the satellite imagery and charts provided by Jeppesen.
- Repositioned building objects corresponding with available satellite imagery.
- Night lighting added to most building objects.
- Additional night lighting added in the form of streetlights and apron floodlights for both military and civilian aprons.
- Improved AI taxi routes to correspond with the latest 2020 operation of the airport according to the Jeppesen chart.
- Removed several unnecessary objects from the original conversion.
- The addition of windsocks and taxiway signs corresponding to the real-world operation of the airport.
- SAM Marshallers on each gate on the civilian apron.
- Additional eye-candy features such as new flag posts, the MiG-15 in front of the Akademi Angkatan Udara main building south of the airport (and a MiG-21 to represent a missile next to it since I haven't found a model for that particular missile in XP), catwalk connecting both the A & B terminals, abandoned Batavia Air 737-300 (represented by an FAIB XpressAir 733) on the end of taxiway NP, and much more.
Credit goes to the original author of the scenery for FS9/FSX itself, which are 31ND Aviation (Fajar Dirgan) and AA_Angga Scenery (Angga Ade Sahfitra), for the base 3D modelling of the objects and the original layout. Their contacts can be listed down below:
31ND Aviation[Fajar Dirgan]
Facebook : Fajar Dirgan
Blogger : Fajardirgan.blogspot.com
Instagram : Fajarrr31
AA_Angga Scenery[Angga Ade Sahfitra]
Facebook : Angga Ade Sahfitra
Blogger : -
Instagram : Anggaadesahfitra
For legal reasons, I've personally contacted one of the original authors of the scenery in order to upload this here with his approval. Full credits can be seen in the "Readme.txt" file provided with the package, although it's all in Indonesian. Also credits to whoever it is from the org forums who uploaded the initial FS2XP conversion that prompted me to revamp this scenery from the first place.
Installation: Simply drop the "WAHH FD 31" folder in your Custom Scenery folder.
QuoteALES Developer Library:
https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/53427-ales-developer-library/BS2001 Objects Library:
https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/27907-cdb-library/FAIB Aircraft Library:
https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/29079-the-faib-aircraft-library/Flags of the World:
https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/17090-flags-of-the-world-real-flag-ii/The Handy Objects Library:
https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/24261-the-handy-objects-library/MisterX Library:
http://ruscenery.x-air.ru/SAM Library (Make sure to download BOTH the Base Package AND the Seasons libraries!):
Edited by asher050100