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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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2 hours ago, JoaoVBettu said:

Active Sky for XP is close to release. But from what was announced from HiFi and what I see here, xEnviro will be the best choice, no doubt.

Can you send me a PM? I’ve been looking for info on that project and haven’t found any. I’m sure this is much better. I’m so excited for v1.10 ahhh

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8 hours ago, jakesimflyer said:

Can you send me a PM? I’ve been looking for info on that project and haven’t found any. I’m sure this is much better. I’m so excited for v1.10 ahhh

I wrote a news article about it a few hours ago. Check it out on our main website at www.thresholdx.net.

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Dear Magnus,

I know you're busy, I just have a request if you think to introduce the altostratus opacus.

this type of cloud is present on a low pressure system, his layer position is always above the other clouds. this layer is also a barrier to the sun rays and the clouds that are below had always the grey color and the dark of pre raining weather situation.

I think if you can create this layer when weather conditions are adequate will add to a xEnviro a theme reproducing a rainy or pre-rainy conditions.

I really hope you will be interested . 

Thank you ,

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looks phenomenal! 

although in some screenshots i see repetition and lines. do the clouds generate on/in grid(s)? im sure repitition issues will be fixed/improved. just wondering 🙂

great work guys!


Edited by Micael Liam
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I think big improvement to weather depiction in sim would be forecast based modelling instead of report based modelling. 

If you take forecast based modelling you have all the data for 14 days for the whole world and much more detailed regarding the weather parameters than metar based modelling.

If this modelling is implemented  the weather can be truly dynamic with fronts moving and skies clearing up gradually, storms developing ,etc..

The only downside to this is that weather representation is  not 100%  faithful to real time. But, then, who cares, when prognostic data is so good that a  3 days forecast is almost  completely accurate let alone the forecast for the duration of the flight and the zone you can cover in average time flight.

Do you have any plans of implementing this...?

Edited by versus
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