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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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Don't know why but with every screenshot or video from within or near the clouds they become dissolved, further apart, showing gaps. Could you post a video of entering a solid overcast when you go from seeing the clouds nearing you to being totally immersed in complete whiteness with no gaps or ground visible.  I've seen every video you posted and when plane is about to enter the clouds you do some wierd stuff with camera angles constantly shifting POV as if you are trying to conceal the fact that total whiteout is still not possible.

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Simply amazing. This will for sure be a game changer. Was waiting for the 1.10 to release but couldn't keep myself from getting the plugin before the new update.

Using 1.09 right now and I've got to say that I am very happy with it. I always fly on Vatsim or Ivao and Metar was spot on everywhere I flew (this was my biggest concern). Didn't see much of a hit on FPS neither if compared to IVAO weather.

Can't wait for this version to release. 

Keep up with the good work!


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