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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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Must agree, the snow pictures do look excellent, as are the cloud formations above. I remember when XP11 was first demonstrated and introduced at Cosford Flightsim show two months before its release, I asked a question from the floor about future seasons. Austin said it was on the horizon but they weren't going to go down the texture set route as FSX. They were thinking more of in terms of pixels being changed. It looks as if the XEnviro team have beaten them to it! Certainly impressed that the snow will also settle on Ortho4XP tiles and not just default scenery. That means Orbyx scenery will also be changed. From one picture it seems as if trees turn white too. Very impressive. Really looking forward to this addon.

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If I was a competitor... I’d wrap it up and call it a day.  They keep trying to rip off the X Plane community every few months with a new “weather engine” charging 40USD plus for 2D cloud textures that only look good from one angle and inaccurate metar representation.  I hope XE 1.10 shuts them all down 

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More beta screenshots. (b09)

I'll repeat something here I answered someone in a post on facebook:

Default clouds look very nice at times and is very far from what XP usually had. I am not afraid to say that there are good alternatives available which work very well. Under certain conditions they are glorious but worse and immersjon breaking during other.

xEnviro is no different. This is just a very hard aspect of flightsim to get right. As we see it you can not get the weather to look right in all conditions with 2d billboard tech. That's why xE is moving to volumetric this time around. 1.10 will not beat other weather depiction engines in all condidtions yet. And you will have trade offs because Volumetrics has its limitations. But that is almost purely preformance related and not a limitation in the tech itself. So over time it will grow to become more and more complete.

As for progress on the beta run: The last week has been filled with real life work or family related items for many of us. We all feel the presense of January, the monday month. 😉
 But still there has been a lot of progress. b01-b09 went fast and had some significant improvements both in visuals, bug squishing and performance.










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Thanks Magnus for your input, your honesty and obvious respect for other developers. I think it's important to remember that there will probably never be one silver bullet that can do everything we wish for! I for one appreciate the work of all developers as they strive to push the boundaries to enhance our hobby.

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I commend the communication to us, @Captain Kitten!   I know I appreciate it, and am probably not alone. Your posts and pics. make the wait not so bad, honestly.   Not to take away from the insane amount of anticipation, though! 😜  

Edited by Americanpilot89
I need to practice reading before posting so I don't have typos... meh.
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Hi Captain, in this development phase when you release it is also playable. In which level we see from the pictures. The next shortcomings can also be completed by updating soon. so those who want to buy will not have to wait long time, including myself. there is no end of waiting and writing an excellent program. already updates will always be published. 


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Just now, olcay said:

Hi Captain, in this development phase when you release it is also playable. In which level we see from the pictures. The next shortcomings can also be completed by updating soon. so those who want to buy will not have to wait long time, including myself. there is no end of waiting and writing an excellent program. already updates will always be published. 


1.10 won't be released until it is absolutely ready. The team tried the tactic you described with the release of v1.08 (unfinished, WIP release), and that got awful reception as a result.  

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I dont know 1.08 history but you are agreeing to the purchase of the program by seeing it already. Nobody is forcing you. Bugs can be improved over time. In addition to this nothing is perfect with Xplane. Zibo updates sein plane almost every two day too. But we can fly and play with it at the same time. Xenviro 1.10 release strategy is not really good to improve it developer need one year? Two or three years? Believe me it has still bugs after it is completed. We are the user and consumer, only we can find bugs by playing and give info to the developer like ZIBOMOD. He improves his plane according to players. I appreciate him.

This my idea and stay same. Thanks.

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4 minutes ago, olcay said:

I dont know 1.08 history but you are agreeing to the purchase of the program by seeing it already. Nobody is forcing you. Bugs can be improved over time. In addition to this nothing is perfect with Xplane. Zibo updates sein plane almost every two day too. But we can fly and play with it at the same time. Xenviro 1.10 release strategy is not really good to improve it developer need one year? Two or three years? Believe me it has still bugs after it is completed. We are the user and consumer, only we can find bugs by playing and give info to the developer like ZIBOMOD. He improves his plane according to players. I appreciate him.

This my idea and stay same. Thanks.

I agree that the "work-in-progress" releases work very well for Zibo and his 737, however with a payware product, it works less well. People expect a 100% finished product on release day, and that is why the previous releases of xEnviro got such poor reception - they still had many bugs and had the team not been pressured into a release, these would have been fixed.

However, this issue is not up for debate. xEnviro 1.10 will be released when the developers feel the product is ready, no sooner.

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Firstly, I would like to say the pictures are amazing, certainly something innovative!

Secondly, Well..I`m sorry for my mistakes which I can make writing in English (is not my first language and well...I`m better at talking than writing hahaha)

Thirdly (the main reason to comment here) I would like to know about the winds and temperatures while you are flying. Why am I asking that? Well..Some friends have bought Xenviro since your first version and the main problem reported for them were about the winds / temperature.

Could you guys show if that was really fixed? And I would like to know if the land lights will reflect the lights in the clouds.

I`m very anxious to get the Xenviro 🙂 


Edited by Douglas.Matos
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