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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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6 hours ago, Wynthorpe said:

These screenshots look lovely, the stream however doesnt look like these shots! 

The last part of it does. It all depends on what weather you go through. Also the system involved had some say on how the stream looked. But don't take my word for it. There will be more streams to come. There is no difference in the version used for the screenshots and what was used on the stream. There are also no other addons used to enhance the screenshots.

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1 hour ago, Captain Kitten said:

The last part of it does. It all depends on what weather you go through. Also the system involved had some say on how the stream looked. But don't take my word for it. There will be more streams to come. There is no difference in the version used for the screenshots and what was used on the stream. There are also no other addons used to enhance the screenshots.

I'll reserve my opinion for when I get to try it myself, the screen shots look great though. I'm very much looking forward to the update. 

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6 hours ago, Sweet19blue said:


It may have been ask before, but it seems there is always only one layer of clouds in the screenshots? May I ask if this is what we should expect or we may get multiple layers such as high altitude cirrus layer?

Keep up the good work,



There are several layers. Look at more screenshots and you'll see that they are there.

1 hour ago, Lucent11 said:

Is the snow on the runway made from the airport designer or is it from xEnviro?


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Dear Magnus ,

Yes , there are several layers on the screenshots, but the higher layer never have the cirrus cloud type apparence.

The cirrus high cloud is characterized by thin white filaments or narrow bands.

the cirrus layer can be formed from 20 000 feet. 


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