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About This Club

This subforum is a place you can post questions, resources, etc., for scenery development. All are welcome!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Just a thought - if people knew which scenery, perhaps they may respond. Landmark, airfield, cityscape, Location?
  3. I would like to get someone to make a scenery. I can provide .obj file of the area made by scanning with a drone. Anyone????
  4. hello, you'll get the answer on his original DL link: https://www.x-plained.com/download/libraries/NAPS_library_v7.2.zip
  5. @Freddy De Pues sadly decided to withdraw all of his content from our forum. I do not have the answer to why he chose to do so.
  6. I don't have access to the link mentioned above. Can someone help me? Thnks.
  7. I found this really useful resource on designing X Plane 11 Ground Textures from scratch! https://simsketch.com/ground-textures/
  8. No geo location for your building in Sketchup? Go to Google Earth Pro, take measures of your buildings. Take a bird view picture of your building. Crop your picture in a photo app. Copy your pictures to your buiding’s .png. Go to Sketchup, draw the base of your building using your measures. Put your bird view picture on top of it using the paint tool, adjust until it fits.
  9. Import orthophoto in your airport and use NAPS' metric tool. It's an object, use it to calculate 2D dimensions in meters. NAPS_METRICS.zip
  10. FYI the latest NAPS lib is exclusively available on TRESHOLD.
  11. For the top-down dimensions of almost any building I always use Google maps and their measurement tool. The height and other dimensions of the building you will have to eyeball, Or if you have a near orthographic image of the side of the building you can use that as an overlay to get those measurements.
  12. You will need to change Blender to use Imperial/Metric units, then there is a way to also show the measurements while working with the model. I dont remember where the setting is right now (2am), but here are a few tutorials to point you in the right direction. Also, use v2.79 as Xplane2Blender is not supported in Blender 2.8 https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/interface/ruler_protractor.html https://www.katsbits.com/tutorials/blender/metric-imperial-units.php https://blender.community/c/today/6jbbbc/
  13. Ether u get blueprints or u try and use you best judgement as to how tall a structure is by looking at images
  14. Hi guys, Am new to blender and have used sketchup for a very long time. As far as I know are using measurements in sketchup really easy, I'm not sure if you can do the same with blender, do you guys have any tips? Regards, Simon
  15. Hi. I am starting to develop scenery after learning to modify it. I have gotten comfortable with Overlay Maker, but still learning WED. I am planning to do a detailed YGK scenery (freeware) with custom models. How would I go about finding dimensions about the buildings so I could model them. Thanks in advance for any tips.
  16. I use this one when creating normal maps. Works great http://cpetry.github.io/NormalMap-Online/
  17. I will just insert a link to his guide in the meantime I am waiting for a response to permanently embed it to this forum. https://iliastselios.wordpress.com/2018/01/17/x-planes-pbr-materials-a-simplified-guide/
  18. 3D modeling, or creating 3D custom objects in solid modeling programs like Blender, SolidWorks, Catia, Pro-E, etc., is possible. When it comes to X-Plane, Blender is typically used (some use Sketch Up, but Blender seems to be the preferred program to use for this application). This allows one to create complex, realistic objects like custom terminal buildings specific to a certain airport, ground vehicles, jetways, basically anything. This can be very time consuming task and often requires a lot of dedication when making realistic renditions of a large airport; nevertheless, some of the highest quality payware and freeware airports use these custom 3D objects made from scratch. Please note that there is no huge shortcut at this level of development. It takes time, so don't be frustrated if this process takes a while for you to master! Unfortunately, I have not found a comprehensive tutorial that will hold your hand through the entire process of making an airport like, say, Jan Vogel's WED tutorial videos. Your best bet here is to learn how to use Blender to create basic objects, then use your knowledge to apply what you know to terminal buildings and other objects. There are several tutorial videos, but here is one playlist you can use to get started. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLs2aOcA-EaLNX5j2yxVQhEBpFgD3zDR9P Here is a tutorial where someone has created a hangar for FSX. Even though it is not for XP11, many of the concepts should still apply since the point of the video is making an object in Blender, so it is more focused there than on any one flight simulator. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVd-RYRnv60 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0pobHrePG8 If you would like me to add anything to this thread, please let me know. This is a work in progress, and the purpose of this topic is to give you a high-level overview of Blender, and to get you started with learning how to use it.
  19. Mister X Library (use version 1.61) https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/28167-misterx-library-and-static-aircraft-extension/ OpenSceneryX https://www.opensceneryx.com/ Autogate and DGS Kit (used to add moving jetways to airports. You can use WED to replace static jetways with moving jetways at any airport) https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/616-autogate-animated-jetway-and-docking-guidance-system-kit/ Autogate plugin (completely separate from the Autogate and DGS kit. This plugin is used to allow Autogate to actually function, a required plugin for many scenery libraries if you want moving jetways). https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/5038-autogate-plugin/ NAPS Library https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/30478-naps-library/ And a more complete list of libraries can be found here. The ones I linked above are ones that are more commonly used, but there are others that are used in many airports as well. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/category/165-libraries-for-scenery/ We can always add to this list, so if there are any you want to list, please let us know!
  20. I personally learned much of what I know about using WED through Jan Vogel's Youtube tutorial videos. They are very useful. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGRsg_6rB1D4vm0UHvHm6J-rvIyUBGN_K Here is the official WED manual for XP11. https://developer.x-plane.com/manuals/wed/ If you have any more resources that you have found useful, please let us know and we will add them to this list.
  21. The World Editor (commonly known as "WED") is an open-source scenery editor for X-Plane. This scenery editor is how the stock airports in XP11 are generally made. You can create an airport from scratch with WED, or you can modify airports in XP11. If you are going to modify an existing airport in WED from the scenery gateway, it is strongly recommended to import directly from the scenery gateway (On the top-left corner, go to File > Import from Airport Scenery Gateway...) instead of importing from the apt.dat and from the dsf files to ensure you have the most accurate data and positioning possible. You can download WED here in the link below. https://developer.x-plane.com/tools/worldeditor/

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