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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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11 hours ago, noooch said:

That's nice to hear, but it won't be compatible with X-Vision right?

Not officially.

Of course you'd be free to try it, and it might well "work" to a degree, but both xEnviro and xVision are plugins that reach deep into X-Plane's internals and so conflicts would be expected. 

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We are waiting for b17 to get finetuned and compiled. B16 was an intermediate test version of some parameters that got tweaked. The lighting model has been through a (hopefully) last round on Andrey's alchemy bench. Many of the elements built and tested during the test verision period is coming together now. These weren't possible without the beta teams efforts to report bugs that had to be ironed out before these models are "set in stone". So - we don't have any new screenshots yet, but we have some more from b15.












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You don't just go and copy nature and expect it to be easy

As mentioned before we are locking down the light model. This is tedious and very sensitive to adjustments.
Here are some b17 examples to how the sky differs from day to day and hour by hour - even minute by minute.

So to anyone telling us that "this blue is wrong" or that haze looks wrong or what ever you think needs adjusting - it's a living thing. That blue you think is wrong is just the combination of weather and climate data + time of day and year. So if the day isn't to your liking you may find that another day is. And if that isn't enough - use MaxxFX or other color correction add ons to tweak it. This is basically what you get from xEnviro in the future.

xEnviro takes everything in to calculation. And some times you struggle. Like the temperature of the color blue created by light broken down by the Ozone layer. Which is a huge part of why we preceive the sky as blue. Locking down the light model might take some time...

I just love the underlit clouds though. And once we have locked the light model we're off to the races with bug squishing and cloud shaping. Yay 😃















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The beta version of b16... b20 beta, b21 beta, etc. I need an understanding of how many of these beta versions will there be before release? When is the release due? I'm not talking about any deadlines, but at least I need to have an idea of what the timing of the update is. After all, I am the owner of a legal copy of this product from the moment it was released (it seems back in 2016), and as the owner of a legal copy I have the right to know about all its characteristics, including the date of the upcoming update.

In the meantime, as a buyer and your customer, I am not satisfied with the current version (1.09) of the product and the actual state of affairs regarding the constant delays and lack of at least approximate timing in the release of updates to this product.

Edited by mmtyurin
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