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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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Your screenshots are really impressive, especially the last ones. Keep going like this guys you do a very great job.

This type of weather is exactly what I dream about seeing in Xplane, being able to fly on top between clouds ............... Long Life in Xenviro

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9 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:




xEnviro is the future!! x-plane users can finally stop complaning about bad weather graphics in x plane! I hope the performance can be stable for a laptop user like me!!  Great performance and great visuals plus good weather engine = BUY! 

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xEnviro is doing an exclusive release for all aviation enthusiasts in PC simulation ! 

this is not a development of airport scenery or ground orthophotos textures. 

No, this is a weather environment. it's very complex and variable system. There are several parameters that determine the appareance of our sky with its clouds and its atmosphere, and it's not a simple metar that will draw this real apparence.

xEnviro team is doing a genius work, and I think that they will amazed us again and again through the progress of this great product.

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wow wow WOW this is really nice! I see some repetition, but it looks very good so far. Idk if I can dump $70 for it, but it sure looks amazing.

sometimes I notice the sunset colors change throughout days. I think I saw it mentioned somewhere but if you guys dynamically determine your sky colors, is that possible? 🤔

I've seen lack of reddish or purpleish sunset shots, thought i'd ask haha. Great job so far!

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XEnviro is capable of mimicking any effect you observe in reality and to any level of fidelity you want. Your computer is not. 

There will be grain artifacts up close in the volumetric clouds. That is a trade off. Many features are plainly not manageable by your system. This is real time volumetric noise rendering from close proximity to horizon. It's like trying to fit a nuclear power plant in to a shoe box. 

The seasons addon won't be perfect either. Hence the free upgrade to seasons. But we believe that the jump to volumetrics is worth every compromise we have to make at this stage. 

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3 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:

XEnviro is capable of mimicking any effect you observe in reality and to any level of fidelity you want. Your computer is not. 

There will be grain artifacts up close in the volumetric clouds. That is a trade off. Many features are plainly not manageable by your system. This is real time volumetric noise rendering from close proximity to horizon. It's like trying to fit a nuclear power plant in to a shoe box. 

The seasons addon won't be perfect either. Hence the free upgrade to seasons. But we believe that the jump to volumetrics is worth every compromise we have to make at this stage. 

As I see there is an UUDD on the pics. Is it deafult or custom? Would seasons work with custom scenery and orthophoto?

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I know that you do the colors of the sky by real calculations, but as a resident of the Moscow region I can say (and not only on my own behalf, but from familiar photographers and sky lovers) that the evening sky in winter certainly does not look like in the screenshot. Yes, it's VIP, but I just simply suggest first of all to listen to the opinions of other people (what you don't like how it turned out before when I've been writing about the color of the sky) or to see the SKY in person!

NO camera will not give real colors, and the eyes of all people see everything differently, but the truth will remain true. The evening sky in winter doesn't look like the sky from Mars (sorry if it's hard for you to listen). It looks exactly like the pictures above.

P.S. I do not want to hear about the types of cameras and the characteristics of the photoreceptor of the eye. It's your job to do what you want, but I don't understand why you think the blue-pistachio-gray color of the sky is real.This sky is, but not without clouds and haze.The clean clear the sky blue (here is here already debate - foolish).

Edited by AshenOne
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Before I got into flightsimming I would never have imagined how upset people could get over the colours of the sky...

I look at the evening sky every day from my home office window and I have seen so many different skies that I wouldn't dare declare one of them "THE" exact evening sky. How much it changes from one day to the other is rather impressive and most likely very difficult to recreate in a PC simulation environment. Just my 2 cents.

Edited by domae001
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5 minutes ago, domae001 said:

Before I got into flightsimming I would never have imagined how upset people could get over the colours of the sky...

I look at the evening sky every day from my home office window and I have seen so many different skies that I wouldn't dare declare one of them "THE" exact evening sky. How much it changes from one day to the other is rather impressive and most likely very difficult to recreate in a PC simulation environment. Just my 2 cents.

This is what xEnviro recreates. Or at least tries to to a large extent. Dependent on the weather and location data xEnviro presents the sky there after. Every evening or morning (which the screenshots show) will be different.

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I think there are 2 elements who make the definitive colors of the sky

1 ) the position of the sun and its rays angle.

2 ) the component of the atmosphere.  humidity, dew point , saturation ... 

these elements combined produce the final color that we see on the sky and near the horizon.


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1 hour ago, domae001 said:

Before I got into flightsimming I would never have imagined how upset people could get over the colours of the sky...

I look at the evening sky every day from my home office window and I have seen so many different skies that I wouldn't dare declare one of them "THE" exact evening sky. How much it changes from one day to the other is rather impressive and most likely very difficult to recreate in a PC simulation environment. Just my 2 cents.

That is why I pointed several times at the evening winter sky on a clear day, that on these screenshots and shown.

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As far as I understand, the stage of building a dynamic atmosphere (for real calculations) is completed or is at the final stage. But personally I don't see much difference between the colors of the sky with 1.08 or now. I do not know, maybe I misunderstood you, but I thought that the sky will be calculated from real data, and therefore will have the most approximate view of reality. If you haven't used this "technology" yet, say so.

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1 hour ago, AshenOne said:

That is why I pointed several times at the evening winter sky on a clear day, that on these screenshots and shown.

But even on clear winter days the sky does look vastly different! Even in the two pictures that you posted, the sky is not the same - far from it actually. The first one looks a bit washed out with light blue tones and a wide range of red and yellow colours. The second one is very saturated, a deeper blue, a distinct pinkish tone, very narrow transition between blue and pink. I cannot see the same sky there. (And of course we would need to talk about cameras, monitors and stuff, but you already know about that and don't want to hear about it again, which is fair, it still is very relevant though.)

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A lot more cloud types than towering cb's btw 😃 ( t86 )
And yeah, those misplaced palm trees look cold.. Someone better dress them up.

(regarding xEnviro seasons)

It will be a free update in one of the upcoming updates of xEnviro. There is a reason why it's free. While it looks great and behaves as it should it has one issue that will make or break your usage of it. There will be an option to turn seasons off in the menus if you prefer other season addons. What is the deal you ask? Snow covers everything. Ground and objects. That also means static aircraft. This will be mended down the road but that update is far in the future close to xE 2.0. So there you have it - now you know.







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