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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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Hey Captain Kitten,

Would you mind giving us an update and some info about how the weather simulation differs? What changes have been made to the weather simulation side of xEnviro? Are the in-air effects being fine tuned? 


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Many obsticles have been overcome lately and RC candidate is coming closer. Next week will be hell for several team members and we're unsure if we can make a lot of progress. We'll hang in there once we get time but we'll see. b75 looks great and I hope it won't throw that many bugs back at us during testing.

This is over London by the way. with GBSouth by ORBX and I'm hovering around 30-40 fps. Getting there















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16 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:

I'm hovering around 30-40 fps.

Loving these shots and the fact it's getting closer to an RC :)  Please can you confirm which GPU you use for that frame rate (as you've previously confirmed that XE is dependent on GPU). I did a search in the forum and you mentioned a 1070 in one post but I didn't know if that was your spec or the spec of one of the beta testers machines.

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2 hours ago, Wonderbadger said:

Loving these shots and the fact it's getting closer to an RC 🙂 Please can you confirm which GPU you use for that frame rate (as you've previously confirmed that XE is dependent on GPU). I did a search in the forum and you mentioned a 1070 in one post but I didn't know if that was your spec or the spec of one of the beta testers machines.

Still is that card. Full specs here: https://forum.thresholdx.net/profile/3-captain-kitten/?tab=field_core_pfield_1


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Looks actually awesome!!! Looking forward to this product. Xe is an absolute pioneer for going real volumetric. We should accept that there will be some visual “grain”. I will have definitely no problem at all with that fact and will always support and enjoy this great program!!! 

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Speechless. I am speechless. The work and effort you have put into that addon the past year is amazing, just try to keep it up.

Still everyday I visit xenviro.net and treshold too look for news and maybe even a release - been doing that since march, wow time has gone by quickly. Everyday we come closer to the release guys!
I cannot wait anymore though. That screenshots looked amazing. Cant wait to fly through these clouds

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Personally I like the xEnviro night sky colours better than the mix in with the default night sky, but you'll have the option now to see stars - albeit somewhat with a compromize - until we start working on night environment which will be a later update. Night environment will be a complete overhaul of the dusk til dawn hours.

default night sky.jpg

NS default.jpg

NS xE.jpg

NS xE+dns.jpg

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Thank you Captain Kitten for the info regarding night sky. Nice to know that there will be a compromise and we will have the option to see stars in 1.10. Even I am still very happy with my 1.07 at this moment, BUT really looking forward to the the release of 1.10. Love this product! 

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On 5/28/2019 at 11:15 PM, Captain Kitten said:

Personally I like the xEnviro night sky colours better than the mix in with the default night sky, but you'll have the option now to see stars - albeit somewhat with a compromize - until we start working on night environment which will be a later update. Night environment will be a complete overhaul of the dusk til dawn hours.

In referring to the future planned "night environment enhancements":
This is a small wish list to bring more life to that spatial environment:


  • fireworks over landmark cities. 😅
  • different types of lightning : intra-cloud / ground to sky / sky to ground 

Maybe sometime towards XE 1.11 (wishful thinking)

Edited by Bakr
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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, I LOVE 1.10!!!!!!! FANTASTIC product...and very good fps....Thank you for the hard work, and all the best for the future of XE! Now my Xplane11 sky is great again 🙂 THANK YOU, you are true pioneers! Greetings to the XE team!

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WOW THE ATMOSPHERIC LIGHTING IS OUT OF THIS WORLD!! Amazing guys really amazing thank you.  Yes there is grain here and there.  You guys took a risk and went into uncharted territory of development that most devs don't have the cojones to do so.  thank you and I hope the community keeps supporting this product.

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