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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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4 minutes ago, TheEman said:


This work is looking extraordinary - congrats to the entire team for all the progress that's been made on 1.10!

Just a quick point of clarification regarding VR in 1.10 - on November 2, 2018, you stated:

However, you more recently stated the following:

thereby potentially suggesting that 1.10 is now VR-compatible. Any clarification on this is greatly appreciated, as this 1.10 release is sure to be a major step forward for X-Plane. Thanks very much.


Sorry.. no, 1.10 will most probably not support VR. I sorely want it to but making it stand on it's own legs is our main concern right now.

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You keep these mouth watering images coming. They look outstanding and I think equal and eclipse any cloud rendering software for any flightsim platform in the past - and I have used them all! One question I have. In the long term (maybe version 2?), do you envisage a possibility of incorporating weather themes so that preset weather conditions could be set rather than being only a 'live' weather engine?

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1 hour ago, Yorkshire said:

You keep these mouth watering images coming. They look outstanding and I think equal and eclipse any cloud rendering software for any flightsim platform in the past - and I have used them all! One question I have. In the long term (maybe version 2?), do you envisage a possibility of incorporating weather themes so that preset weather conditions could be set rather than being only a 'live' weather engine?

this would really show-case the unique features and power of the engine - i do vote for having a preset ability like that.

Edited by Bakr
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Hi, I'm new to this forum but having witnessed these cloud images I felt compelled to say something. I'm a research meteorologist based at the UKMO. I've been using xplane on and off for a while but have never been impressed with the default clouds (or indeed that of P3D's). They're simply not realistic. However, having witnessed these cloud images, I am literally blown away by the realism! They look incredible and very realistic. I'm particularly impressed by the modelling of Raleigh Benard convective cells at the tops of cloud layers typically stratocu and altocu exposed to cloudless or cirro- type sky above. It's a result of radiative cloud top cooling and consequential convective turnover. No other xplane or indeed P3D weather engine has managed to simulate these cells with any degree of realism. However, these look amazing! My other gripe of xplane atmosphere is unrealistic infinite visibility. I hope xenviro will provide a means for the user to control the visibility of the atmosphere?
Another area of weakness of all the weather engines is the ability to produce multilayered clouds associated with fronts. I've been very lucky to fly on the metoffices BAe 146 during research flights. Many types of fronts are associated with a degree of multilayered clouds. This is more pronounced through warm or occluded fronts although frequently occurs in cold fronts too. The cloud layers are frequently capped by a dense layer of altocumulus in the mid-levels. Layers of cirrus type clouds which include generating cells composed of ice particles may be located some distance above....with fall streaks of snow seeding layers below. There is a belief that cirro-type clouds are thin. This is definitely not always the case. Indeed, weather engines can not simulate cirrostratus cloud decks. These cloud decks are commonly seen capping frontal systems and can be more than a mile in thickness seeding layers below with ice particles or snow. In heavily precipitating fronts...no discernible layering of clouds may occur. You might find a very thick layer occuring just above the low-level fracto stratus all the way up to 35,000 feet or higher if the tropopause allows. However, the heavy snow and rain tends to hide any potential layers.
Anyway....quite remarkable cloud modelling in my opinion 🙂

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On 4/28/2019 at 6:01 PM, Yorkshire said:

You keep these mouth watering images coming. They look outstanding and I think equal and eclipse any cloud rendering software for any flightsim platform in the past - and I have used them all! One question I have. In the long term (maybe version 2?), do you envisage a possibility of incorporating weather themes so that preset weather conditions could be set rather than being only a 'live' weather engine?

Xe will never offer this. Sorry. Once we do you will find xe on pirate Bay within hours. It's plainly not doable without completely desintegrating any form of security. 

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On 4/28/2019 at 9:55 PM, Falconjet said:

Hi, I'm new to this forum but having witnessed these cloud images I felt compelled to say something. I'm a research meteorologist based at the UKMO. I've been using xplane on and off for a while but have never been impressed with the default clouds (or indeed that of P3D's). They're simply not realistic. However, having witnessed these cloud images, I am literally blown away by the realism! They look incredible and very realistic. I'm particularly impressed by the modelling of Raleigh Benard convective cells at the tops of cloud layers typically stratocu and altocu exposed to cloudless or cirro- type sky above. It's a result of radiative cloud top cooling and consequential convective turnover. No other xplane or indeed P3D weather engine has managed to simulate these cells with any degree of realism. However, these look amazing! My other gripe of xplane atmosphere is unrealistic infinite visibility. I hope xenviro will provide a means for the user to control the visibility of the atmosphere?
Another area of weakness of all the weather engines is the ability to produce multilayered clouds associated with fronts. I've been very lucky to fly on the metoffices BAe 146 during research flights. Many types of fronts are associated with a degree of multilayered clouds. This is more pronounced through warm or occluded fronts although frequently occurs in cold fronts too. The cloud layers are frequently capped by a dense layer of altocumulus in the mid-levels. Layers of cirrus type clouds which include generating cells composed of ice particles may be located some distance above....with fall streaks of snow seeding layers below. There is a belief that cirro-type clouds are thin. This is definitely not always the case. Indeed, weather engines can not simulate cirrostratus cloud decks. These cloud decks are commonly seen capping frontal systems and can be more than a mile in thickness seeding layers below with ice particles or snow. In heavily precipitating fronts...no discernible layering of clouds may occur. You might find a very thick layer occuring just above the low-level fracto stratus all the way up to 35,000 feet or higher if the tropopause allows. However, the heavy snow and rain tends to hide any potential layers.
Anyway....quite remarkable cloud modelling in my opinion 🙂

Thank you for your kind words. Everything you describe and whish for is doable for XEnviro. But not in any way manageable by today's systems. We're constantly balancing performance with visuals with what you see already. But xe will not stop developing as long as the xplane platform allows for it. 

The limitations on the platform are already severe and thus cumbersome to work with at times. Most of the limitations are understandable in the sense that Laminar never focused (and still does not) on this area of the Sim in the extent we would like. 

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Xe will never offer this. Sorry. Once we do you will find xe on pirate Bay within hours. It's plainly not doable without completely desintegrating any form of security. 

Totally understand your position due to the reasons you explain - thanks for the reply. 

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7 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:

Xe will never offer this. Sorry. Once we do you will find xe on pirate Bay within hours. It's plainly not doable without completely desintegrating any form of security. 

Is it possible to store a few typical "preset weather" in the server, even if you want to use it, you need to access the network.This is the same as live weather, which also makes it easy for me to practice landing at a specific airport.

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14 minutes ago, XIANG said:

Is it possible to store a few typical "preset weather" in the server, even if you want to use it, you need to access the network.This is the same as live weather, which also makes it easy for me to practice landing at a specific airport.

If it were possible to do any of this without compromising security we would have. Trust me, we have thought about and discussed this to death internally.

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15 hours ago, Captain Kitten said:

If it were possible to do any of this without compromising security we would have. Trust me, we have thought about and discussed this to death internally.


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Yep.. I have been pretty silent lately. With reason.. It's painfully slow at the moment... But some things have been solved and we're actually making progress. We're fighting the native sim to a large extent and have to make compromises. It still looks godd and still runs well so the hope is there. But the pace is killing us and we wish there were larger leaps to be made... But we have to work with what we have got.
















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Thanks for the aspiring new screenshots.

Interesting, Can you  please shed some light on areas of 'friction'  with the sim engine limits that currently challenge and affect the development decision to try to maneuver and work-around . 
we know the folk a Laminar are at stretch now to get the Vulcan on its legs ,,, so that we community will start raising our poll voices to promote enhanced revisits on the SDK that relates to weather engine.  

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I believe I can speak for a majority of the flightsim community when I say we appreciate the hard work that you all have put in to make our sim that much more immersive. You all are changing the game as far as weather/environment engines go. Definitely cannot wait for this to be released to the public. 

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A quick comment on the performance tuning aspect,,,

whereby the blurring effect to hide the grain is indeed helping out --- i wanted to say that it is worth to superimpose an unsharpen mask after the blur 
this helps maintain sharp clouds with less grain ...

corona render in 3dsmax - adopts such a live post-processing effect/technique 


just sharing my thought

Edited by Bakr
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