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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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Now this looks like an exponential improvement all together.

Guys - you are writing history - never before this has been seen in the sim world.

the cloud formations seem to be the mastered-fun-game for the dev team - these are good time for fruits of creativity and insightful product design paradigm and visionary planning.

i believe this is just the beginning and you are faithfully extending the edge of the threshold.

the value of your work stems from many aspects to mention few:

  • you aim the skies - in the literal sense
  • you replicate nature - fulfilling the visual-physical senses  
  • you simulate environment - sharpening the skills of current and future pilots and paving more way for safer and happy flights.
  • you make it with passion that is showing up by now
  • you are securing lead and superiority that should not be denied having came that far with this whole re-write of 1.10 
  • you share the results as they evolve - which i hail and prefer over black-box back-stage development approach - so that we really appreciate the layers of refinements and complexity of the product putting all peaces together.
  • you spark the imagination of new kids in the sim world -- this for me above all (rather than they spend time on value-less bloody games) 
  • ....
  • ...
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Wohaaa, ⛈️⛈️⛈️ what a scenic surprise ....

Now this is Alice in the Wonderland .... other weather systems should seriously look over this with envy ... they might have to marathon for a couple of development years to chase after this... 

i would really think as a father, that the best thing i would give my kids is an xplane+xenviro rig, coupled with a: 

i cannot imagine the value of these technologies separated from each other - this is a perfect blend.

having looked closer at the screen shots -- you only need a realtime AI de-noiser post processing filter that affects only the clouds layers - rather than trying to smooth the clouds further - i presume.

overall frankly ... could not imagine to see such nice views in a flight sim ever ... this means our senses are intoxicated by the falsies of the past.

Edited by Bakr
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It is so, so f*cking amazing guys. Thank you. I love you all! You did a superb job on this. I am damn tired of waiting, but take your time. I cant just wait any longer to get into the skies with xE 1.10! Every morning I check if it is released! I have been doing it a few of months now, and am really excited. Thank you guys. You were very brave to decide to do this step, but it worked out. CANT WAIT! 😄


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I have to admit, you keep surprising us now and then with setting an ever better record.

my comment on last screenshots - the fine-tuning despite being less noticeable - but truly they add an impact

  • snapshot 1 -- like a photo camera
  • snapshot 4 -- never before clouds looks so real in all other weather systems across platforms after having the sun-set at twilight light levels from above the clouds 
  • snapshot 6 -- marvelous overall tones - but spotted a clear line separating the clouds at the right edge.
  • snapshot 7 -- very classy environment color toning showing both on 3d-building and airplane -- but am not sure if the land-mass is lacking the reddish gold cast - (maybe it shouldn't depending on PBR materials and light diffusion physics )

Keep up the good works


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12 hours ago, versus said:

Yeah ,right!  Of how ready it is this was an eye opener. 


Look at all the comments.

Eye candy screenshots remind me of those lose weight, gain muscle BEFORE-AFTER images. Its the videos that count. Not so easy to choose the "right angle" there.

If you want to express your opinion about the readyness of what you see then educate yourself first and read the second comment here:


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8 hours ago, Gibz said:

Is any post processing used in those shots? like reshade or xvision?

Or is it only xplane+xenviro?


If I were to use any kind of visual enhancements in addition to xEnviro in the screenshots presented, then that would be purely lying. Also, the beta testers have strict instructions never to use any other addons than xEnviro for visuals.

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Hi Captain Kitten! Great progress so far! :)

One thing I'm concerned about though. In the various videos shown, the clouds (especially in the distance) seems to be changing shapes very quickly. It looks quite unrealistic and I'm wondering if this is something you're working on. Or is it some kind of core result of the technique used that will always be there?

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On 4/1/2019 at 8:27 AM, Captain Kitten said:

If you want to express your opinion about the readyness of what you see then educate yourself first and read the second comment here:


Let's agree upon one thing

Most of the qualitative comments below the video and in the chat were negative. 

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Hi Magnus,

I saw your last video, the clouds are nice but the list of tags to do is always endless.

In anyway, the development work will finish, there will be always refinement and enhancments to do.

personally, As xEnviro user, 

All I need for now is :

1/ a functional turbulence slider because light or GA aircraft are uncontrollable.

2/ a correct atmosphere model because the problem of the horizon shift slider.

3/ discover the new volumetric cloud technology, personally I prefer to have clouds with acceptable appearance and good FPS.

the FPS is a very important point, because the fluidity to fly between these 3D clouds is really essential for a best experience.

I really hope the update for very soon.

best regards,

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