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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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i am building a habit of revisiting this web-page every day to see the latest screenshots.

funny that xe.com mistakenly got cached somehow and showing up whenever i search for this page -- i really forgot all about "Bookmarking"  😅

can you publish Dawn/Dusk/Twilight views for a sneak peak view - yes am sure any snapshot is presented as WIP. 

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7 hours ago, john1001 said:

Hi Magnus,

I saw your last video, the clouds are nice but the list of tags to do is always endless.

In anyway, the development work will finish, there will be always refinement and enhancments to do.

personally, As xEnviro user, 

All I need for now is :

1/ a functional turbulence slider because light or GA aircraft are uncontrollable.

2/ a correct atmosphere model because the problem of the horizon shift slider.

3/ discover the new volumetric cloud technology, personally I prefer to have clouds with acceptable appearance and good FPS.

the FPS is a very important point, because the fluidity to fly between these 3D clouds is really essential for a best experience.

I really hope the update for very soon.

best regards,

1/ a functional turbulence slider because light or GA aircraft are uncontrollable.
1.10 is nothing like 1.09 or previous. Everything is refined.

2/ a correct atmosphere model because the problem of the horizon shift slider.
Horizon shift slider had nothing to do with atmosphere model. It was a complete necessity for the old 2d tech to even work with noise rendering. That's why we went for volumetrics. EVERYTHING is redone. And there is no horizon shift issues.

3/ discover the new volumetric cloud technology, personally I prefer to have clouds with acceptable appearance and good FPS.
That is what we are working on among other things and that is why it takes time.


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Ahoy Captain Magnus



my comments


this is never seen before effect - only possible with true volumetric voxel-noise-based technology - whereby the wing is fading in the myst of clouds




this cloud formation and overall color tuning is very realistic and never seen before as well



the horizon blending is as natural as it can be -- overcoming all the issues of old-technology depictions -- -a well deserved overall color tuning.


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8 minutes ago, noooch said:

Oh, what do you mean by night environment? volumetric lights?

No. More in term of night lighting, haze, fog and cloud blending and general tweaks to make the night look good. Moonlit nights and so on. Some of these have been worked on already but night environment update comes later. We just want volumetric atmosphere to stand on its feet now.


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Frankly - This view - dwarfs all other weather depiction systems currently available in the market.

It just feels you are there --- REALLY SOARING HIGH INSIDE HEAVY METAL >>>



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On 4/9/2019 at 8:19 PM, NickNägler said:

Fingers crossed release during next week!
Okay, time to get realistic 😄
What does need to be still done at this time? You reached the last chicane if the nordschleife? Cant wait man!

Starting to loose sleep due to excitement xD


We were on the straight to the last chikane but had to turn off the track and have a rethink at the diner. We realised that our tools for finalizing the cloud shapes was very dull. So we are now sharpening them. You can read more over in discussions and the "where are we now" post.

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i have a feeling that overtime, as the product matures, by virtue of the voxel based approach to render the clouds; you could propably tap in nvidia physx accelaration to deform the clouds as the airplane cuts through them...

Infact today i was shocked to find that over the last few years only few titles only have actually utilized the GPU acceleration for physics.

some critical questions in my mind as follows:

  • what are the components in the weather system that can make use and tap that physx engine ? - Cloud deformation by winds for example !!!
  • nvidia has made Physx open-source recently - and clearly Nvidia Hardware have advantage to accelerate that - and it can fall back to CPU for those who dont have NVIDIA...
  • i know that x-plane itself at its core is not tapping that area either --- (actually we dont want them to model airplane crash either like in arcade battle games ) - but rather i mean in terms of simulating the flight model physx - which is pure physics in any way.....

overall, i feel this is an area with potential to increase performance and needs some rethinking maybe to better utlise that and squeeze more frames per seconds out of better balanced utilization of hardware acceleration.

key Areas which might benefit include (as far this is a weather depiction addon-system is concerned in contract to the scope of core-xplane):::

  • cloud deformation to winds
  • cloud deformation due to airplane fly-through
  • live tornado cloud formation
  • voxel based rain drops hitting fuselage
  • voxel based rain drops hitting the windscreen and calculating vectors of water drop movement as it decays based on wind direction and glass shape approximations (for efficiency and speed)
  • voxel based rain drops hitting the runway with subtle splash effect.
  • simulate runway mirage effect..based on heat weather readings (maybe)

actually all kinds of movement physics can be applied to one single voxel --- and around that basis - all opportunities are limitless.

Thanks for the screenshots and updates.

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On 4/7/2019 at 9:29 PM, Captain Kitten said:

No. More in term of night lighting, haze, fog and cloud blending and general tweaks to make the night look good. Moonlit nights and so on. Some of these have been worked on already but night environment update comes later. We just want volumetric atmosphere to stand on its feet now.



On 4/10/2019 at 11:35 PM, Captain Kitten said:

b58 is a tough one but getting there. As soon as I have mid WIP from b58 I'll post those as well.

We are really looking forward to see what B58 is holding for us....

Have a good night.

The real photo (non-simulated) captures a lot of effects .. which we hope XE will provide towards release - or subsequent post release updates - as we know nature is always ahead of us.


we are happy with where this platform is heading....



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