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1.10 Development screenshots

Captain Kitten

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Amazing job, this is going to correct Xplane's biggest flaw in my opinion, this is a game changer. 

I honestly can't wait for the release, and I understand some of the most impatient ones here,

On the other hand, i'd rather have to wait 6 months than to get a bugged and unusable version now, so take all the time you guys need to bring us 1.10.

I've got a quick question though, you mentionned that you want everyone to enjoy XEnviro, that you'll focus on performance, and that visual quality will be sacrificed so that not only the biggest systems can use the engine, my question is this: does it mean there will be no quality slider whatsoever? or do you still plan to give the most powerful systems out there the option to really push the engine to the edge?


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23 hours ago, Inexorable said:

Amazing job, this is going to correct Xplane's biggest flaw in my opinion, this is a game changer. 

I honestly can't wait for the release, and I understand some of the most impatient ones here,

On the other hand, i'd rather have to wait 6 months than to get a bugged and unusable version now, so take all the time you guys need to bring us 1.10.

I've got a quick question though, you mentionned that you want everyone to enjoy XEnviro, that you'll focus on performance, and that visual quality will be sacrificed so that not only the biggest systems can use the engine, my question is this: does it mean there will be no quality slider whatsoever? or do you still plan to give the most powerful systems out there the option to really push the engine to the edge?


It's not as easy as just adding a slider. Some things are very much hardcoded and aren't feasable to make a slider of. We would have to make two versions of xE to make that happen and we're definitely not doing that. The other thongs that would be easily slidable don't have that much of an impact. We are looking into something like this but no promises are made.

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With the Noise based cloud rendering technology, it has quickly developed over the last few months from a PROOF of CONCEPT -- into an already PROVEN CONCEPT before it even gets released.

what I aspire to see is the team at xenviro continue to workout the real cloud classifications -- and beyond that to do a real 3d storm/tornado


and lastly, i put my wish that xenvrio reproduces nature-like storms (as per below sample video) (maybe in 1.11)

i know they can do that - as the platform has what it take to tap into the yet-to-be-proven edge of that new foundation technology.

last not least, thanks for the love and passion made by the development team to make this peace of art handy.

Keep up the good work.


Edited by Bakr
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15 hours ago, Bakr said:

With the Noise based cloud rendering technology, it has quickly developed over the last few months from a PROOF of CONCEPT -- into an already PROVEN CONCEPT before it even gets released.

what I aspire to see is the team at xenviro continue to workout the real cloud classifications -- and beyond that to do a real 3d storm/tornado


and lastly, i put my wish that xenvrio reproduces nature-like storms (as per below sample video) (maybe in 1.11)

i know they can do that - as the platform has what it take to tap into the yet-to-be-proven edge of that new foundation technology.

last not least, thanks for the love and passion made by the development team to make this peace of art handy.

Keep up the good work.


Impressive imagery! The world really is an amazing place. 

Thanks for sharing.

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This is looking totally awesome! Very realistic and that second screenshot is absolutely stunning.

The entire environment looks amazing, not just the clouds, lights and skycolors. Is this being achieved with Lua scripts in xenviro (xvision style), or with it's own postprocessing (reshade style)?

Keep up the good work 😃

Edited by Gibz
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1 hour ago, Gibz said:

This is looking totally awesome! Very realistic and that second screenshot is absolutely stunning.

The entire environment looks amazing, not just the clouds, lights and skycolors. Is this being achieved with Lua scripts in xenviro (xvision style), or with it's own postprocessing (reshade style)?

Keep up the good work 😃

xEnviro replaces the entire atmosphere in x-plane. This is much more than just shader tweaks. Everything is both volumetric and dynamic.

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